A bread flavored with sundried tomatoes and Italian herbs

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Lately, I have been busy with guest posts. Not only conducting the Guest Post Week on my blog, also creating some for my fellow blogger buddies. Shruti of Cooking with SJ, contacted me to do a guest post for her blog and I said yes. 2 weeks in a row for guest posts is something I am not used to, but commitment to a friend comes first. I met her at the wordpress sometime ago and totally adored her. Loved the way she blogged authentic Indian recipes and her beautiful pictures. Check her work out to get a glimpse :).

I made this bread last weekend and it was so refreshing with the slight tang of sun dried tomatoes and rustic flavors of basil, rosemary and thyme. I used almost 2&1/2 cups of wheat flour and 1 cup of all purpose flour…so if I call it healthier, then it would not be an exaggeration :). Instead of making a loaf, I made kinda stocky breadsticks. Fresh out of the oven, warm and soft breads just call for hungry souls from far away. It was about lunch time and kids were already hungry, they saw the bread and attacked. I made some spaghetti nests for lunch for the kids, (a post for later) along with the bread. While you enjoy the pics here, find the recipe here for the bread. I promise that it is such an easy recipe, with no fancy steps, that any novice bread maker like me, can easily attempt it. Oh also, don’t forget to visit Shruti’s blog, Cooking with SJ.

I think it is becoming a trend on my part to post a guest post and introduce a new blogger at the fiesta friday. I apologize if that annoys anybody but more the merrier. I flex my cognitive skills like this ;). Multi tasking while blogging.

Don’t forget to check out the recipe for this super delicious and rustic bread on Shruti’s blog, while have a look at some of my clicks of the bread. Do let me know what you think about it :).


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  1. Ooh Sundried tomato flavored homemade bread sounds amazing. I am a bread virgin πŸ˜› and am gonna try working with yeast for the first time for FFC1. You make bread like a pro Sonal! Looks awesome πŸ™‚

  2. The close up of that one roll is killing me, I can see it’s crumb and smell the tomato! I like the little brown bag presentation you did, too. Your recipes I need to discipline myself to sit down and make because every time I see one I want to make it . . . and then I get distracted. I imagine that the sundried tomato and herb addition make the bread sort of taste like a pizza!

    1. It was delicious birger! I loved the taste ..it did have pizza flavors but milder..a focaccia but much softer and a great bread to go on the side of pasta salad or green salad :).

  3. Lovely bread Sonal, and I love how you introduce us to wonderful bloggers! πŸ˜€ Definitely the more the merrier!
    I also can’t wait for the spaghetti nest recipe!

  4. Just lovely, Sonal! Because I have never made bread before, I am always really impressed when others do. I love your sun dried tomatoes and herb combination! That is my kind of super flavourful bread! πŸ™‚

  5. Love sun dried tomatoes in bread and this one looks absolutely delicious! Thanks for bringing this to the party Sonal – hope you get a chance to make some new friends at FF #15!

  6. Your bread is wonderful! Love your photographs in this post Sonal. And if you know me at all you know how I couldn’t quit looking at your spaghetti nest! Hurry up and post the recipe!

  7. Gorgeous bread, Sonal. I’m one click away from viewing your recipe…hoping the scant amount of sundried tomatoes I have on hand will be enough to let today’s baking commence!
    Love the shot of the bread in the paper bag. I’ll be awaiting the recipe for the intriguing spaghetti nests, too!

  8. The spaghetti nests sound good, Sonal! We can’t wait for the recipe. πŸ˜€ Will it be on your next post? πŸ˜€

    I will also be working on my guest post on your blog and I will send you an email when it’s ready. πŸ™‚

    Anyway, the bread looks so lovely thank you for bringing this to FF15. I’d love to have a chat with you about yeast. You might want to give me some tricks. πŸ˜‰

  9. Beautiful clicks! Beautiful recipe! & beautiful blogger!!! It feels great to have a guest-post from someone like you, whose posts make me click on bookmarks immediately β™₯ Lovely posting with you…

  10. Spaghetti nests?? Oh I can’t wait! And that bread looks delightful. Everyone is making bread and I’m still being a big chicken about it. Sigh. My excuse is that I won’t have time to experiment until school ends in June! Can’t be playing around with something as serious as bread-making until then! πŸ™‚

  11. I am head over heals for sundried tomato anything – breads, bagels, on pasta, in salads – everything. It surprises me then that I have not cooked with it in ages. I’m going to flex my muscles and make this soon. I like that you used mostly wheat flour as I am trying to incorporate that into my baking. Those nests are so cute too!