Chocolate Cream Cups : Friday Night Party! Do you want to join the wagon?

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TGIF and Angie is hosting the Fiesta Friday on her blog. I am going with these beauties. Are you coming?


There will be food. There will be new people to know. There will be old friends to catch up with. I think it’s going to be a super cool event :). And the best part is you don’t have to wash your face, change your clothes or put any make up on….Just Chill and EhnJoy :).


These chocolate cups are oh so yum and delicate and actually light when you eat. Why? Because I filled these up with light whipped cream. So one won’t hurt, you still will have enough appetite to sample everything ;).


Thanks to couple of YouTube tutorials that I could learn some chocolate cup making technique. Most of them used latex balloons though and I used muffin liners. Actually worked very well. It looks complicated but easiest thing ever done. Isn’t that gourmet looking cup?


Oh do you want to make it? Then get going! This is my song for tonight…I just want you to dance me tonight ๐Ÿ™‚

Chocolate chips : 1/2 cup
Light whipped cream : 1/2 cup
Berries : 4-8
Chocolate powder for dusting.

Kitchen Equipments Required :

Muffin liners : 12 paper ones. I used 3 for one cup to hold it together.

A pasty brush or any clean brush

Muffin tray

Method :

Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave for 2 minutes in a microwave safe bowl.


Take the stack of 3 liners, packed together.


Dip the pasty brush in the melted chocolate and thickly coat the insides of the liner. It should yield atleast 4 cups easily. If left with some chocolate, add more to the coated cups. Make sure that the base is thick and sides are well coated. Uneven is good for art effect :).


Now set these paper liners in muffin tray for good support and put in the refrigerator for good 1 hour at least. Once the chocolate sets, take the muffin tray out.


Take one paper liner out. Remove the extra liners. When you get to the last layer, start peeling it off gently. Hold the cups delicately.


Once all the chocolate cup cakes are
peeled, full them up with whipped cream. Top with the berries of your choice. Dust a bit of chocolate powder and kaboom….the magic!

The gorgeous Chocolate cream cups are ready to be devoured :).

Did you know that I made these after few attempts…no the chocolate cup making wasn’t difficult at all. The problem was using the right thing to make these moulds. I didn’t have any balloons to mould the cups. So firstly I used plastic cup bases which was a disaster. On top of it, I didn’t have any more chocolate left. So scraped the chocolate off the plastic cups, re melted it and then made with paper liners…it worked :). I am sending this as Daily Prompt : Happy Endings entry as well. Do check it out to read more success stories. This totally was my happy ending of the day, since I was planning to make these for a long time and then the last minute crunch and shortage of ingredients made it sound like crazy for me. I was freaking out when my first attempt didn’t work.


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  1. Reblogged this on Cher Shares and commented:
    I love this blog soooooooo much. She not only gives recipes, she makes it “dummy proof” with the photos to make sure we can actually succeed!! Love love love her blog…check it out and her photography as well!!

  2. Reblogged this on Cher Shares and commented:
    I love this blog soooooooo much. She not only gives recipes, she makes it “dummy proof” with the photos to make sure we can actually succeed!! Love love love her blog…check it out and her photography as well!!