Guest Post : Apricot & Vanilla Jam and Jam Tarts by Naina of Spice in the city

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Have you seen Naina’s work? Have you fallen in love with her photos shoot and presentation skills? Have you ever felt envious of her pictures? Have you? Have you? ;). Well I have and not once but have felt envious of her work so many times…in a good spirit though :). You have to scroll down to see what I am talking about? The pictures full of life, nature and serenity! She blogs from Spice in the City. Her blog tag line reads, “a busy mom’s ode to food”. Busy, she is! A professional working outside the home as well a mom. But how does she get time to do so much in her busy schedule? Naina, please tell me ;). Loads of love for this beautiful post and gorgeous gorgeous clicks :). I love your recipes, Kothimbir Wadi, Strawberry Falooda with Strawberry Syrup, Elderflower Cordial are only few of her recipes to name! Do check her blog out and I promise you won’t be able to leave it sooner ;). I am so glad that I met this beautiful girl who is humble, talented and super cool.

Now off to Naina, as she says it !

*Summer Jammin’: Apricot & Vanilla Jam and Jam Tarts*

One of the best things about blogging is all the wonderful people you get
to meet and have virtual parties with. A bit nerdy maybe, but a whole lot
of fun!

I first met Sonal at the
fabulous weekly potluck Friday Fiesta hosted by the inimitable Angie the (not so!) Novice Gardener.

And since then, Sonal has been such a wonderful supporter of my blog and a
real friend, she writes the most lovely, supportive comments on my posts
and has made my day, so many times with her sweetness.

And she is a force of nature when it comes to cooking up a storm (mixed
metaphors, I know, but it’s Sonal I’m talking about). She makes the most
amazing meals for her family and friends. Check out what she cooked for her husband’s birthday, for instance and try not to drool πŸ˜›

So, when Sonal asked me to do a guest post, I couldn’t show up with just
one dish, could I? That’s the reason for the double whammy today: Homemade Apricot and Vanilla Jam…

And these little dainty Jam Tarts filled with the aforementioned jam.

Perfect for tea with friends, aren’t they? They are incredibly easy to make
and the tarty, golden apricot jam with the big hit of vanilla works
beautifully with the salty puff pastry.

Well, it all began with some apricots that the munchkin insisted on buying
at the supermarket. And of course she refused to eat them once she found
out they were tarty.

When life gives you tart fruit, you make fruit tarts! But first you make
jam! Lovely golden jam, with Vanilla, always Vanilla πŸ˜€

The jam itself is really easy too. You simply macerate the apricots with
sugar till it is almost mush and then cook it with Vanilla to complete the
process. Couldn’t be simpler.


Here are the recipes:

Apricot & Vanilla Jam and Jam Tarts

*For the Apricot and Vanilla Jam*:

*Time*: 1 hour (excluding maceration time)

*Makes*: 1 medium jar of Jam


2 cups ripe halved Apricots with stones removed (do not discard the stones)

1 cup granulated Sugar (add more if desired)

1 lemon, squeezed

Seeds from 1 Vanilla Bean

Kernels from apricot stones

1 tablespoon extra virgin Olive Oil


In a bowl, place the halved apricots and pour the sugar over them.

Lightly toss to cover all the apricots and set aside. Leave the apricots
overnight to macerate in the sugar and release their juices.

Using a mallet or a hammer, break open the apricot stones and extract the
white kernels. Set them aside.

Place the apricot and sugar mixture in a pot and cook over medium heat
until it comes to a boil.

Stir in the lemon juice, apricot kernels and the vanilla seeds.

Reduce heat and simmer while stirring for 20–30 minutes, or until the
apricots melt and the jam has a thick, sticky consistency.

Cool the jam for 1 hour, then pour into a jar.

Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil on the surface of the jam in the jar and
leave uncovered until completely cool.

Seal the jar and set aside un-refrigerated.

*Once you open the jar, refrigerate after use.

*For the Jam Tarts*:


1 sheet readymade Shortcrust Pastry

Apricot and Vanilla Jam (Or any thick Fruit Jam) as needed

Butter for greasing

Icing Sugar for dusting


Roll out the shortcrust pastry.

Butter a muffin tin or a mini muffin tin.

Use a pastry cutter to cut out rounds or flowers of pastry, slightly larger
than the holes in the prepared muffin tin.

Press each pastry disc into each of the holes.

Spoon equal amounts of jam into each pastry case.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 15 minutes or till the pastry
is golden brown.

Serve with a dusting of icing sugar.



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  1. Another wonderful guest post, Sonal, this time from Naina who I also met though Fiesta Friday earlier in the year. Your intro was just lovely – Naina makes some really delicious dishes on which she works her magic with her photography and styling. The jam sounds wonderful as do the tarts! Thank you both for sharing all this with the revellers and a very Happy Fiesta Friday to you both.

  2. Just seeing Nayna’s blog for the first time, its beautiful and so is that jam and the tartlets, So nice that you featured it. Started following her blog and looking forward to more from her.